Saturday, July 18, 2015

Hot days and elevator systems

In the Chicago area we have a relatively cool summer with few days over 90 degrees.  The last few days and next few days will be very hot.  There are a few ways this affects elevator systems.

Machine room environments – Elevator machine rooms typically are in lowest landings or on roofs where we have significant swings in temperatures and not great ventilation.  Every piece of equipment has different requirements below is a good average for temperature and humidity.

o   Temperature 45 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit
o   Relative humidity of 85 percent

We recommend environmental controls i.e. air conditioning to regulate the temperature.  Most elevator machine rooms do not have air conditioning and when this is the case a fan to circulate the air is better than nothing.  Microprocessor based[newer elevator systems] systems are more susceptible to environmental conditions than older relay based systems.

Overall power usage of a building – When everyone turns on their air conditioners and they are used for a longer period of time than normal that creates a strain on the power grid and could result in irregular power coming to the building.

Low voltage situations – If everyone in a building theoretically switched their air conditioners at the same time there will be a voltage drain on the building power.  When the elevator goes to run it will not have the right power to run correctly and can blow fuses, burn out motors or damage other electrical components.  There are protection devices available on elevator systems that can protect your elevator in this event.

Power outages – In this theoretical hot day where everyone puts their air conditioning on at the same time it can create such a drain on the electrical system where the electricity provider will blow their equipment[outside of the building or “on the street” which will cause the elevators power[comprised of 3 phases] to lose 1, 2 or all of the 3 phases.  The buildings power goes out, elevator obviously does not work, the danger here is when the power comes on and an inrush of electricity or an irregular supply comes in the building.  This can cause damage to the elevator system as well.  Our recommendation is to turn of the elevator until power is restored and call your elevator professional to read the incoming power at our machine room disconnect prior to returning to service. There are protection devices available on elevator systems that can protect your elevator in this event. 

Voltage protection devices - Even if buildings have protective devices the voltage issues can damage the protective devices and may need replacement.  The replacement is less substantially less than a new motor. With these protective devices your elevator still will not work during power issues but your equipment is protected from significant damage.

For more information go to –

“Our lights never went out but the elevator isn’t working” – We hear this on a regular basis.  As referred to above there are 3 phases to building power, the elevator uses all three.  The phase or leg of electricity that powers the lighting may be working fine but the other two could have irregularities which cause the elevator to not work correctly.

Take away – If you have any questions on your machine room environment or power conditions, call your elevator company and they can work with you on good solutions to keep your elevators safe and running during the hot summer days. 

If you have any questions or would like information from Colley Elevator you can go to, email or call 630-766-7230.


  1. Thanks to Chicago Elevator Maintenance for sharing this valuable information about "Hot days and elevator systems"!
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  2. In your opinion, is the Pit switch in the photo “adjacent” to the ladder?
