Saturday, September 13, 2014

Permits required for 2015 State of Illinois elevator mandated safety upgrades

There have been several questions about if there need to be permits pulled for the 2015 State of Illinois mandates.  The answer to the question is yes you will need to pull permits for the following items.

ii. Car illumination – emergency lighting

iii. Car emergency signaling – emergency phones – hand sets are acceptable if they are existing.  If there is no phone existing it needs to be an ADA phone with voice recording giving the buildings location.

iv. Phase reversal protection – required for traction elevators and recommended for hydraulic elevators

v. Door reopening devices – safe edge/electric eyes/door scans – there are some questions if safe edges will be accepted, which should be clarified shortly.  The safe edge is the device that is on the leading edge of the elevator car door and will hit something and retract. 

vi. Stop switch in pits – almost all elevator have these, some very old elevators do not

vii. Pit ladders – pit ladders need to conform with certain requirements.  This may be difficult for some buildings that have nontraditional elevator lay outs or piping put in the place where the pit ladder should be placed. 

Note: Existing pit ladders that need to be modified do not need permits

I have added an inspection firms informational hand out for review as they do a good amount of the Chicago area suburbs. 

If you have an questions or would like information from Colley Elevator you can go to, email or call 630-766-7230.


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