Saturday, September 20, 2014

Introduction of sprinklers into existing elevator machine rooms or hoist ways

During the last State of Illinois Elevator Safety Board meeting we received clarification on what buildings need to do if they introduce sprinklers into elevator machine areas or hoistways.  If a building has install sprinklers in existing elevator machine area or hoistway they must install a shunt trip as well as have Fireman’s Phase I & II with alternate landing recall.  Recently the IDPH required all nursing homes, extended care facilities, etc to be sprinkled as this is the best way to add fire safety to buildings.  The issue came about with some older buildings that have older elevator equipment that where not capable of fireman’s recall.  

ASME 17.3 includes a note that indicates[17.3 is the code for existing elevator systems]

“The installation of sprinklers in an existing machine room or hoistway is an alteration.  See SME A17.1, requirements and”

The intention behind this note is if you have a building that is on fire and the shunt trip removes power from the elevator system after a heat detector goes off[the heat detector should go off before the sprinklers], the elevator will stop, the elevator could get stuck between floors and if there are people in the elevator they may be stuck and exposed to smoke inhalation.  Now that all elevators in the State of Illinois have door restrictors on the elevators you are trapped in the elevator. If fire recall was installed on the elevator, fire recall would bring the elevator down before the heat would go off, a smoke detector would typically go off before a heat detector, the elevator would go to the designated landing and the doors would open and the elevator would be out of service until reset by emergency services or the elevator company.

We have a lot of older buildings in Illinois with older elevator equipment.   If the building is installing sprinklers they can either choose not to sprinkle the elevator machine area and hoist way or the elevator needs to be equipped with Fireman’s recall.  For some older buildings it may require replacement of the elevator control system.

If you have an questions or would like information from Colley Elevator you can go to, email or call 630-766-7230.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Chicago Elevator Maintenance for sharing this valuable information about "Introduction of sprinklers into existing elevator machine rooms or hoist ways"!
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