Sunday, June 9, 2024

Identification of Elevator Equipment – Labeling Elevator Hoistway Door Frames - A17.1 2019


In our area we have had more attention paid to labelling our elevators on hoistway door frames.  In the past we had labeled our elevators with what we thought where good ID tags, but they didn’t meet the letter of the code.  We have changed to a new label and put them directly below the Braille tags.

The code states: – The identification assigned in shall be a minimum of 50mm(2 inches) in height unless otherwise specified, and a contrasting color to its background.  The identification shall be painted on, engraved on, securely attached to, or adjacent to the following equipment associated with each elevator or the enclosure housing the following equipment associated with each elevator;

(i)             On both door jambs of every elevator entrance at the designated level, the alternate level, the level where means necessary for tests are provided(see and the level where an inspection and test panel is provided (see; this identification shall be a minimum 50mm(2 inches) in height and shall be located immediately below the floor designation, where provided(see Nonmandatory Appendix E, Clause E-17)


If you have any questions or would like additional information feel free to contact me at or 630-766-7230 ext. 107.

Also check us out on Instagram @Colleyelevator see what we have been up to.

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