Sunday, February 8, 2015

Elevator pit ladder variance requests – State of Illinois

We have been fielding a lot of questions for buildings wondering if their pit ladders are “grandfathered” or can get a variance.  Please see the following information below on the process.

Variance process – This is standard between the elevator inspection firms that are in the State of Illinois

1.    Elevator Company submits a variance request on a local level[AHJ] – i.e. building in Forest Park’s information goes to Forest Park Building Department.
2.    Forest Park most likely will defer to their elevator inspection firm.
3.    Elevator inspection firm will make their recommendation to the Village
4.    Village will send ruling to elevator company
5.    If AHJ[Forest Park] decides they will allow a variance it needs to be sent to the State of Illinois Fire Marshal Elevator Division

Fees – Another question is will there be fees attached to the variance process.  The answer is “I don’t know but I would image yes”.  How much? That depends on how much the AHJ and elevator inspection firm will charge.

What does not qualify for a variance – We are not an elevator inspection firm but I will list the items that will not qualify for variances after speaking to the inspection firms.

1.    Reasonable costs associated with the installation or modification of a pit ladder.  Just because it will cost money doesn't mean you can get a variance. The new requirement is to ensure there is a safe entrance and exit means for elevator personal.

What will qualify for a variance - We are not an elevator inspection firm but I will list the items that may qualify for variances after speaking to the inspection firms.

1.    Hydraulic lines in the way of the ladder being compliant
2.    Elevator rails in the way of the ladder being compliant
3.    Building structure elements being in the way of the ladder being compliant

The pit ladder process will be very frustrating for many building owners as it is for the elevator contractors and inspectors.  If you believe a price to install or modify a pit ladder is too high get a 2nd price from an independent elevator contractor.  We will come to your building; take measurements, pictures and discuss with you options you will have.  Everyone involved in this process is learning[contractors, inspectors and building owners] so we ask for your patience.

If you have an questions or would like information from Colley Elevator you can go to, email or call 630-766-7230.

1 comment:

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