Saturday, January 17, 2015

Elevator pit ladder alteration variances

There have been some clarifications on the pit ladder variance process in the last few weeks.

1.    Submit a variance request to the AHJ[I.E. Forest Park or Oak Park]. 
2.    The AHJ may rule on it internally or submit it to the Elevator Inspection firm that is currently contracted with for clarification and a judgement.
3.    If accepted by the AHJ[I.E. Forest Park or Oak Park] the elevator company will then send it to the State of Illinois Fire Marshall for their records.

Variances will not be given to buildings that can put pit ladders in or make modifications that are reasonable.  Variances will be given to buildings that will have a significant financial burden or the general impossibility of achieving the clearances a code compliant pit ladder requires.

 [Above - This ladder a good candidate for a variance as you move the elevator items rail to get the ladder closer to the hatch door]
  [Above - This ladder a good candidate for a variance as it would be very expensive to move the hydraulic pipe and the wiring trough to install a code compliant pit ladder]

Please note - If a building has to spend $500.00 to $2,000 to install or modify the elevator pit ladder to bring it into compliance and is basing the want for a variance based on only the price it will most likely get denied a variance.

[This ladder needs to be extended, traction tape installed and the trough cut out by the bottom run - Not a good candidate for a variance because it is manageable to be compliant]

If you have an questions or would like information from Colley Elevator you can go to, email or call 630-766-7230.

1 comment:

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