Saturday, July 19, 2014

Elevator maintenance visits

It is important to know how often your elevator company is visiting your building.  We have been seeing more elevator maintenance companies whom have contracts that bill once a month only visit the building every other month, quarterly or twice a year.  Many elevator contracts indicated maintenance service to be provided “as needed”, over the years this has been changing.  Our advice to building owners is to find out how often the elevator maintenance person is coming to the building, find out what your contract indicates on the intervals of service and try and determine how often you would like someone at the building.  I indicate try to find out because you may need assistance from your elevator professional to help find out how frequent someone should be at the building based on the age of the equipment, traffic flow and environment.  If you are getting 2 maintenance visits a year and you have 40 year old equipment that breaks down on a regular basis, you may want to increase your maintenance intervals to avoid the nuisance issues and shut downs.  A building owner should be able to go to the elevator mechanical area and find the maintenance records.  Maintenance records in the elevator machine room will soon have different and more stringent requirements when the State of Illinois adopts the 2013 elevator code. 


If you have an questions or would like information from Colley Elevator you can go to, email or call 630-766-7230.


  1. I think it's great that you guys check up on the elevators regularly. I recently got stuck in an elevator at my work for about 15 minutes. I was trying to avoid eye contact with the person stuck with me the whole time, so it was more uncomfortable than usual. I'm so glad there's lots of elevator maintenance companies. Thanks for the post!

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