Friday, April 11, 2014

Chicago hydraulic elevators – Single bottom cylinders

If the building you own, manage or live in has a single bottom cylinder it needs to be replaced, it should have been replaced as of 1/1/14.  This is a City of Chicago mandate that requires all single bottom elevator cylinder to be removed[this was published a few years ago].  We have been seeing more and more buildings being written up and taken to administrative hearings for non compliance.  If there is a question about the elevator in your building having a single bottom cylinder you should ask the elevator maintenance company.  A rule of thumb is that installations after 1972 should have a double bottom elevator cylinder.  While not always accurate that is a good starting point, some elevator companies where manufacturing elevator cylinders with double bottom bulkheads[safety bulkheads] in the 1960’s and some companies did not comply with this until the 1980’s.  There are two solutions to comply with the mandate; one is to replace the cylinder and the other is to install a safety device[the common is a Adams Life Jacket and there are ways to install safeties on a hydraulic elevator, this is less common]

If you have any questions or require any additional information you can contact Colley Elevator at 630-766-7230, or

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Chicago Elevator Maintenance for sharing this valuable information about "Chicago hydraulic elevators – Single bottom cylinders"!
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