Sunday, March 9, 2025

State of Illinois Fire Marshal Elevator Safety Review Board Meeting 3/9/25 – Door lock monitoring DLM


The State of Illinois Fire Marshall Elevator Safety Review Board met on Thursday 3/9/25.  The main item that was addressed was to adopt the new elevator code A17.1 2022.  This code adoption has large implications on new/modernized elevators and even larger implications on existing elevators.  The largest item is existing elevators and the requirement of door lock monitoring.  THIS CODE HAS NOT BEEN 100% ADOPTED YET AND IS GOING TO SPRINGFIELD TO COMPLETE THE FULL ADOPTION PROCESS.



iii. Modification: Door Lock Monitoring. System to Monitor and Prevent Automatic Operation of an Elevator with Faulty Door Contact Circuits.

a) Automatic passenger and freight elevators installed or permitted for installation prior to effective date of the adoption of ASME A17.1 (2022) shall comply with Section 2.26.5 by January 1, 2029.

b) Automatic passenger and freight elevators permitted for installation on or after the effective date of the adoption of ASME A17.1 (2022) shall comply with Section 2.26.5.


What does this mean for you?  If you have an elevator that was installed prior to 2000 to 2004 you most likely do not have door lock monitoring.  This means the elevator will need to have door lock monitoring. If you do not have door lock monitoring you can get door lock monitoring 2 ways.


1.    Replace the elevator controller – Replace the elevator controller and door operator will ensure you have door lock monitoring and is the most reliable way to complete the requirement.  This is also the most expensive way to get door lock monitoring because you will trigger other code requirements on the elevator and with the building.  

Expense – High

Reliability and chances of compliance - High


2.    Install an auxiliary DLM panel on an existing controller– This is the quickest and least expensive.  Older elevator controllers and door operators are not recommended to have this completed because it may make your elevator system less reliable[due to the additional devices that need to be added] or you may have issues with the wiring in of a new door lock monitoring system with a elevator that has had wiring changes over the years that are not on the wiring diagrams.  Older elevators or elevators without accurate wiring diagrams will be challenging if not impossible to have a door lock monitoring system added.   


Expense – Lower

Reliability and chances of compliance - Lower


There are other more typical code updates that are typical with our triannual code updates that will have additional impact on new construction and modernization projects.


Moving forward - This will move to J-Car next and then needs to get on the state agenda. Possible date for adoption would be around the third quarter.


Does my elevator have door lock monitoring?  Call your elevator maintenance provider and ask them.  For buildings that need to prepare for a project, it will be expensive and you will have a elevator outage for a significant period of time, so start planning 1/1/29 will come quick.


If you have any questions or would like additional information feel free to contact me at or 630-766-7230 ext. 107.

Also check us out on Instagram @Colleyelevator see what we have been up to.

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