Saturday, January 14, 2023

Elevator Pit Water Damage – Hydraulic Elevator


In the Chicagoland area we have water challenges on a regular basis.  The more buildings that go up, the less places we have for the water to go.  Pave the World!  One of the unintended consequences of developing so much land and building facilities in places that probably aren’t the best for them, at least building a basement or a lower landing, is that we will have water coming in the lowest part of the building, which is typically the elevator pit. High water tables and lower landings are not a good mix.

We recently were doing work at one of our newer customer’s buildings that was in dire need of a refresh of their pit equipment.  Here is what happens, water comes in, water goes out, water comes in, sump pump stops working, water stays, and when the water is evacuated the pipes begin to deteriorate, like a cavity in your mouth, the rusting/deterioration process does not stop.   Over time we have a safety issue with the integrity of the pipe.

Here are some before and after pictures


[Water damaged pit with rusty piping]

[Pit after victaulic and pipe replacement]

[Close up of pipe damage - I bet if you saw this you wouldn't ride this elevator]

Take away – Make sure you have an elevator contractor visiting your building on a regular basis.  Make sure your elevator contractor looks in the pit and makes sure your sump is working.  Make sure your elevator contractor lets you know if your sump is not working and make an appointment for your elevator contractor to open the hoistway door for the plumber to fix the sump.  NOTE!  Elevator contractors do not fix sumps, but we can give the building safe access to the elevator pit.

[This is from years of water exposure in the elevator pit - The building sumps cannot keep up with the water table]

Extra Note – If you know your building takes water and your sumps are working on the regular, have an extra sump around, it comes in handy on the weekend when your sump fails and your elevator does a big splash into the water filled pit.

 If you have any questions or would like additional information feel free to contact me at or 630-766-7230 ext. 107.

 Also check us out on Instagram @Colleyelevator see what we have been up to.

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