Sunday, June 12, 2022

Hydraulic Elevator Oil Filtration – Tank Cleaning – New Hydraulic Fluid – Hydraulic Elevator Valve - 2022 Version


We take care of over 2000 hydraulic elevators and we spend a lot of time working on valves.  It is always a good reminder to talk about oil care from time to time as it dramatically affects the operation and longevity of the elevator’s control valve.  The valve is one of the more critical systems on your hydraulic elevator system.  

We all have driven and cared for a automobile, right? Unlike automobiles we do not change the elevator’s hydraulic fluid every 3,000 to 5,000 miles.  Often the hydraulic fluid can be in an elevator for 20-30 years unless you have a proactive contractor to educate the building and recommend oil care.  Take a look at the picture below of what your elevator valve looks like and keep in mind all the small ports oil travels through when you get further down the page.  All of the built up sludge and grime can clog your valve and cause performance issues and consequently your elevator will not level properly.  When your elevator does not level properly, you have a potential for a trip and fall accident.

Filtering of hydraulic fluid & cleaning the tank – Elevator hydraulic fluid should be filtered every 3 to 7 years dependent on usage & environment.  High usage or a dirty environment will cause a buildup of sentiment from the air and break down of the pump and/or valve.  When hydraulic fluid is filtered it should be removed, the tank cleaned and then the oil put back in.  There will be a loss of the original composition of the oil over time, which can be combated with the installation of an additive to help restore some of the fluid's original characteristics.  The two photos below are what we find on the bottom of tanks. 

Dry power unit – Here are some before and after pictures of a dry power unit we cleaned.  Dry units are a bit easier to clean out as there are not big items in the way to work around.

[Elevator dry power unit before]

[Elevator dry power unit after tank cleaning]

Submersible power unit – Here is a before and after of a submersible power unit.  Since the pump and motor are in the thank it creates a few more challenges trying to get the entire tank clean.

[Submersible elevator power unit before]

[Submersible elevator power unit after tank cleaning]

New hydraulic fluid – Hydraulic fluid should be replaced every 5 to 10 years, again, dependent on usage and environment.

New vs old fluid – Sometime in the last 12 years the way hydraulic fluid was produced has changed, which means that new fluid is not the same as the fluid that was produced 30 years ago.  Just like most other advancements, we make things cheaper but not necessarily better.  The oil industry also changed the way they grade the composition to compliment change in hydraulic fluid composition.

When oil gets too hot – When hydraulic fluid gets too hot it gets burnt.  Overheating or burning creates sediment in the oil which some people consider contamination.  It is a good idea if you burn out a motor or if you hydraulic fluid that has been over heated to have it replaced.  The overheating of the oil also changes the characteristics of the fluid.  Elevators with tank heaters also have a lot of particulate created due to the oil getting too warm around the filament.

Internal power unit tank heaters – If you cannot heat your machine room during cold weather sometimes you are forced to put tank heaters in your oil.  Beware.  These tank heaters can do a number on your power unit while you are not looking.  A tank heater will attract impurities and burn them and consequently burn other parts of your hydraulic fluid creating more impurities.  If you look at the picture you can see all the impurities left after the tank was drained.

– Valves can last a very long time.  Leading valve manufactures recommend replacement of their valves after 10-15 years, again dependent on usage and environment. Manufacturers suggest that after 3 to 5 years components need to be proactively replaced.

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