Sunday, July 8, 2018

Are MRL [Machine Room Less] elevators dangerous?

Over the last 9 or so weeks we have had 3 fatalities of elevator constructors.  2 of which occurred directly based on the design of the MRL[Machine Room Less] elevator.  We recently went to a OSHA meeting that we discussed some of these accidents.

I was at a portfolio building account we have who just had a MRL installed which we will be maintaining.  Perhaps I am just not educated enough on these new pieces of equipment but from what I see and what I hear they do not appear to be a good idea.

[Elevator's valve and pump and motor in elevator pit]

[What is above you when you are working on it - the elevator]

[Typical elevator's have a machine room where the controller and mainline disconnect would be located.  This elevator has it in the door frame]

[Controller slides out of the hoistway door frame - yes the elevator door is right behind it]

[Elevator's disconnect - in this case the lock was broken and was not easy to get into]

We get many opportunities to bid on MRLs for maintenance.  We pass on most of them because we are not to the point of comfort yet with the layout as well as some of the proprietary technology.  We do have a few on contract mostly because it is a portfolio account where we do other conveyances for the building owner.

Positive – These elevators are a dream for design teams to put in their drawings because they eliminate formal machine rooms

Negative – These elevators are nightmares to work on because they eliminate formal machine rooms and have several maintenance challenges and potentially increase worker hazard while servicing or maintaining them.  Again, maybe I am not educated enough on these newer pieces of equipment., they just do not seem like a good idea.

In my opinion the trend of installing the MRL is a tragic mistake that is seeing building design in front of worker safety.  I also have not seen a MRL that is built as well as a traditional machine room elevator system.  Everything is smaller and less robust.  This means it will have to be replaced sooner than a traditional elevator with a machine room.  But, they save space and they are usually cheaper to install.  PLEASE NOTE: NOT CHEAPER TO MAINTAIN.

As always feel free to contact us at, email or call 630-766-7230.

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