Sunday, February 11, 2018

Elevator maintenance – building owner cooperation/exterminator

I was at a building with two elevators that we will be doing work on.  I met the incumbent elevator company’s maintenance tech out there and he told me to look out for the roaches.  I looked in the one pit and car top and it they where clean as a whistle.  I wasn't sure what the guy was talking about.  When I went to do the engineering take off on the other car it was a roach party!  Anyone ever see the TV show Joe’s Apartment?

I spend a lot of time talking about the three pillars when it comes to elevator maintenance.  Companies, mechanics and building owners.  In this case the building owner needs to step up their responsibility.  

[Hard to tell unless you look close]

At first glance I was confused why the one car top and pit was cleaned and this one was not.  Then I saw a few of our six-legged friends, then some more, then some more. I don’t have an issue with roaches so I ended up cleaning the pit out of the roaches because it is just easier if I do it.  Yes, I know about roach eggs.  I have no expectations of anyone who I work with to feel the same way.  A roach problem is a building problem.  Meaning the building should kill them, then remove them.  The elevator professional can open the pit door for the person cleaning the dead roaches. Warning, this takes several visits to get roaches to a manageable state.  The building appears to be doing the exterminating but not the cleaning.

[At least they left a broom]

Company & mechanic – It is our responsibility to tell the building to evict the current elevator pit six legged residents and clean the pit.  

Building owner – You provide the exterminator and cleaning crew to remove the dead bugs.  We will open the pit door for you.

A few roaches is unpleasant and creepy but acceptable but more than a few, you need professional exterminator help.  

As always feel free to contact us at, email or call 630-766-7230.

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